What is OT?
How can Dogberry Tree OT help?
What is Occupational Therapy?
We use the word “occupation” to mean any purposeful and goal directed activity. For kids, play serves as a purposeful and goal directed activity that brings immense joy and learning.
Kids are born with a desire to explore their environment, and experience learning, control, and mastery through exploration and participation in everyday activities (including play!). This drive to explore is what establishes long-term feelings of purpose and fulfillment, enables them to develop essential motor skills and strength, and fosters their overall growth and well-being.
How can Dogberry Tree OT help?
We're here to help support your child's development from age 2 to age 6. We focus on building rhythms, routines, and skills that help your child thrive. We focus on:
We help expand your child’s food preferences through proven sensory strategies and family coaching to make ‘severe picky eating’ a thing of the past.! Additionally, if your child struggles to hold a fork, use a spoon, or drink from an open cup, we can help!
To treat night-time wake-ups, we use a research-backed strategy called Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) along with tailored parent-coaching, and a thorough look into bedtime routines, so that everyone gets a better night’s sleep.
Through structured activities, we improve fine and gross motor skill development, including balance, body awareness, and hand-eye coordination, pre-writing/handwriting, and scissor skill development
We help families learn and use sensory strategies to encourage sustained focus, better engagement, and emotional regulation at home and out in the community
We enhance cognitive skill development through use of tailored rhythm, timing, and sequencing activities and promote independent problem solving